

The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time

Even in 2005 this game was showing its age, and not just in terms of graphics. Perhaps it’s because I was used to the refined control system in The Wind Waker, but it was just incredibly frustrating. Fiddly, often badly-designed and with enemies that were supposed to be tricky but were just stupid, I soon got rather bored. And Navi was not only annoying but bloody useless at doing her job in battle. Too much block-pushing, too: bad memories of Tomb Raider. I resorted to a guide soon after Link became an adult. On the plus side, the story was rather better than The Wind Waker’s, if still not exactly a Square epic. And the biggest plot twist…well, unfortunately, playing Super Smash Brothers had already given it away – and other than that, it was all pretty generic.

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