

Playing Kampfgruppes with Chain of Command

You may have noticed a lack of activity in the blog over the past two weeks. The fact is that I have not been idle at all, but after all the flurry with the last North African Desert campaign, I was longing to stay away from organising and managing the logistics of the games and to concentrate in roll myself some dice on a wargaming table. Thank God, my club mate Alfredo took the lead and have been umpiring a couple of Normandy-based games over the last two weekends, ending with my abstinence period.

Besides playing, these two games have been helpful to discuss and test a couple of topics not fully covered in Chain of Command: fighting in build-up/urban areas and the use of kampfgruppes.

As you probably know, the German army used extensively ad-hoc fighting groups combining forces from different arms and units, the combination depending on the type of mission that the kampfgruppehad to undertake. As the war progressed and the units were below the OB theoretical complement (due to casualties or insufficient reinforcements), the use of this special groups increased, usually named after the commander in charge.

FJs and Pz IV in support attacking a Norman Village
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