

Painting British Modern Infantry - Progress Report

Usual readers of this blog know that I have recently embarked in a new painting project ahead opf the publication of the incoming TooFatLardies modern warfare rules "Fighting Season"·. Once I overcame the initial panic, I found a reasonable palette of colours to paint the new British Army MPT ammo and now I can show the first finished minis.

Photo 1: Command group 
(radioman, light mortar, senior leader, assisstant senior leader)

Photo 2: Infantry Section

The Photo 1 is The Assault Group modern British range while the minis in photo 2 are from Empress. Both brands are fully compatibale although there are some differences in the uniform (specially helmets).

I have another batch to paint on my table including a medic, a mine detector operator, a LMG and a couple of Minimis to provide more beef to the sections.

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