

(Kickstarter) The Legion of Steel by Macrocosm Miniatures

If you're going to pique my interest with a Kickstarter, unintentionally combine two of my nostalgic interests for your project.

Macrocosm Miniatures did just that on some early promo e-mails, mentioning "Legions of Steel" (my favorite sci-fi minis game of the 90's through today), then revealing that was title of their latest Sq.... Space Dwarves.  My only concern was, keeping the pledges and shipping reasonable, and with The Legion of Steel 28mm Sci-Fi Space Dwarves, they have.

While the sculpt quality is as excellent as ever, the Legion as a unit are far more "professional soldier" minis than their previous Digger Corp KS.

They are also offering some pretty cool auxiliary units, including some kickass space elf corsairs, space cyclops, and some 40mm aliens that are a mix between space orangutans and HR Puffenstuff.
They are offering the Digger Corp minis as optional add-on, and the stretch goals include artillery, and an armoured scout car.

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