

South Park: The Fractured but Whole DLC – From Dusk Til Casa Bonita

South Park returns with an extra little episode for The Fractured But Whole. It was just right for me to fill the gap left by finishing Ni no Kuni 2, a couple of hours with new content for a familiar old game. And since we're in the middle of a long break from new South Park on TV, it was nice to get this content as a kind of extra episode. 

The plot is nice and simple - Kenny's sister has fallen in with the lame Vamp kids, so there's a superhero mission to save her. This means new powers for our hero and a new character, Henrietta the goth. The goths are some of the most fun characters on the show, so this is a great addition, and it helps that she's a very useful buffer character. 

This DLC recalls a few different episodes of the show, and has a nice surprise boss fight (sadly spoiled for me by a thumbnail in a recommended YouTube video), and happily doesn't make it easy for the player, even when they've finished all the game's major challenges. The puzzles are simple and straightforward, though there was one point I thought I got myself permanently stuck after straying from the intended path, and the battles are all satisfying and enjoyable. There are even a slew of mini-games that are kind of fun. 

No trophies and only a couple of hours' enjoyment, but definitely a fun diversion, with a few laughs and sweet character moments. Oh, and adorable cat ears for my main character, who is definitely not Evan. 

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