

Kingdom Hearts 2

Decided to finish Kingdom Hearts 2, including getting Jiminy's Journal complete. Didn’t take long, but longer than I would’ve liked – I ran out of stupid Dark Crystals just as I’d almost got the synthesis list finished. The last boss was more fiddly and annoying than I would’ve expected, and I hated having to be Riku almost as much as I hated having to be Roxas, but I was satisfied with the game’s ending. Another bit of Japanese media that ends on the old ‘Tadaima/okaeri’ chestnut, which never translates well into English - we don’t place such importance on ‘Welcome home/I’m back’ – and wow, the kids really did look Japanese in that ending FMV. I also loved how they just dropped all but the thinnest pretence that the storyline isn’t totally homoerotic at the end, too. The secret ending was really lame, but I’d’ve felt bad, not seeing it.

To be honest, though, it definitely doesn’t match up to the first game, story-wise. The new worlds never fit into the mood well, and Organisation XIII just aren’t very interesting as antagonists. It relies so much on intrigue that when all is revealed, it’s just increasingly disappointing. Xemnas is off his rocker, a two-dimensional baddie and none of the others are sufficiently developed. All style, no substance. At least Sora is the kind of character who can really carry a story, even if he IS generic shounen character #1.

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